Thursday, August 8, 2013

Some unusual books I remember reading as a child...

Finn Family Moomintroll
About the Mommin family.  There is a Moominmamma and a Moominpapa.  Lots of magic.  Moomintroll, Sniff and Snufkin discover a magical hat - with strange powers and so on...

The Borrowers
What I really liked about this book was all the adaptations of the borrowers - acorns for cups, the safety pin latch etc.  Was not very happy when they got all the dolls ready made stuff - took the charm out of it.  The time I read it I did not know the meaning of the word "bilingual".  Ha!

The Saturdays
The four Melendy children live with their father, a widowed professor of economics, and Cuffy, their beloved housekeeper, in a brownstone in New York City.  They start the Independent Saturday Afternoon Adventure Club (I.S.A.A.C.). Saturday afternoons are not meant to be wasted so they pool their resources so that each one can in turn can have rich and true experiences.

Log of the Ark
A supposed log of Noah's ark with the animals as the protagonists.

Granny's Wonderful Chair
A chair that tells fairy tales to a little girl whose grandma has gone travelling. And the chair can travel too.

The Cuckoo Clock
A magical cuckoo in a  magical house.  The cuckoo can take you to many lands including the far side of the moon.